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  • Isle Royale - Aug 10-15, 2024

Isle Royale - Aug 10-15, 2024

Join us for a breath-taking expedition to Isle Royale in Lake Superior!

Availability: Contact us for booking information

Isle Royale....divers who have been there before will grin ear to ear when they hear its name.  Positioned in the northwest corner of Lake Superior, this National Park offers some of the most incredible shipwreck diving in the Great Lakes.  On top of that, the scenery, the wildlife, and the entire experience will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.


Going to Isle Royale is a little different than most local trips...this is true expedition!  After driving up to Grand Portage, Minnesota...just minutes from the Canadian border...we will pack our dive gear and other essentials on our new home for the week, the Discovery.  This custom built dive boat is 42 feet long, and will be our home out on the water while we navigate to, from and around Isle Royale.  You will have choice to sleep on the bunks in the boat, or you can also venture onto the island and sleep in one of the many cabins/shelters offered by the National Park.  Our Captain will prepare all our meals for us while we are on the boat, and trust me.... you won't be disappointed, and you definitely won't be going hungry!


The shipwrecks around Isle Royale are simply breathtaking.  No zebra or quagga mussels to cover up any of the details, and with the clear waters of Lake Superior there is just so much to see.  Depth will range from about 5 ft (the bow of the America) to well over 200ft (Emperor Stern), but the majority of the wrecks are well within the recreational limits.  If you like underwater photography or video this is a great trip for you!  Depending on the weather, we will average about 2-3 dives/day on the water.

Nitrox, trimix and airfills are available on the boat.  Drysuits & pony bottles are highly recommended, but not required.

Here is our trip itinerary..

Aug up to Grand Portage, MN.  Pack our gear onboard, sleep on the boat.

Aug 11th depart for Isle Royale.  Aug 11-14 we will be diving multiple times per day (weather permitting), all our meals will be included, and air fills are included.  Aug 15th we will diving in the morning (weather permitting), and then depart from Isle Royale, and head back to Grand Portage, MN.  Weather permitting, we will arrive back in Grand Portage in the mid-afternoon.  Divers can choose to drive straight home, or we suggest getting a hotel in the Duluth/Superior area in order to rest up (and shower up) before your long drive home. (hotel stay not included)


$1300 per diver.  Nitrox is available, but must be prepaid ($100).  Trimix is also available. 


A $500 non-refundable deposit will secure your spot on this fabulous trip!  Final payment will be due in 2023. 

There are only 5 spots on this trip, so you definitely do NOT want to procrastinate!  Sign up online NOW, or stop by the store, or call us TODAY!  262-251-8283

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